Saturday, August 16, 2014

The unusual Modification of the nation

I have been craving to hear a heart thumping confident speech like this .Speaking extempore before a nation, Live ! Speaks volumes of this man, a leader destined to become a legend, to be marked in history. The speech itself was simple addressing day to day issues, no bombastic jargon filled schemes. Let's make basic necessities for the common man and more importantly the stress on needs of the Indian women be it toilets or their personal safety. 

 I just had to stand up and salute this man who dared not to make a safe speech to routinely please international guests and say what corporates/industry wants to hear. Instead he chose to address what the country needs today . To get back to basics. Something that should have been done since 67 years.

 No unnecessary sabre rattling at neighbours to win brownie points. Instead he chose to appreciate a small neighbouring country and lauded it's growth. Bringing focus back on tourism, national cleaniness, safety for women and scrapping ancient bodies of governance that have lost their purpose.

 I loved the sense of inclusiveness that he always uses in his speeches while speaking about parliamentarians including the opposition and not belittling anyone.

Leadership is not about either silent economic wizardy or bullying the nation into mediocre submission something we have seen before. It is about communication, posturing with humility, using the collective power of those who are in your team in this case the citizens and achieving greatness. Their job is not to formulate but carry the entire population of the rich, the poor, the clever and the simpletons. Because nation is not about winning at the bottom line turnstiles by only focussing on those smart. It is making living in a country an equal success for 100% of its people. I think businesses could take tips from this leader

 The theme is clear. He wants to and will stand out in the long list of leaders since independence. Whether it is a carefully manipulated image or not, does not matter. It is working and will inevitably see the birth of a new nation in 5 years

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