Friday, February 26, 2016

The tightrope code

I almost sobbed. I am a big time fan of this company's products. Today they stand apparently, walking a tightrope, as they couch their consumer's (their ( consumer's) nobility or lack of it notwithstanding) with a safety sheath from the prying eyes of a state authority that nudges them on grounds of national security to break open this cordon of safety.

But no,. our Knight in shining armour rises like David to face Goliath, the state and refuses to budge exposing themselves to possible retribution. They can accede a digital backdoor to a suspect's phone but they are worried about possible misuse.
And all this in a country whose citizens never deter from thumping their chest with pride. Something does not add up.

Maybe it does. A win win for everyone.

The first thing that beats me, is that scientific tools on earth are actually so digitally timid or inadequate that the science can make things travel Mars and come back beating many complex odds, but excuse me cannot hack a digital equipment with state authority?

And the aggrieved company is so protective towards its consumers that there could never have been a more powerful marketing story than this about how secure their product is. If they have to open the back gates as they call it, millions of consumers in various countries in the east which are now eye popping markets will be open to having their data available for someone's research convenience of course.

And if they do not the, state looks oh so democratic and with freedom that is to be envied.

Wonder what the illuminary whose brilliance founded the equipment in the first place could have had to say if he were here today?

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