Thursday, June 2, 2016

"I am a poor man Sir " The TV stories

A young man is in the limelight on the stage. Dramatic performance and exhibition of talent. The music reaches a crescendo and he finishes the act with a finesse. The judges stand up applauding.
One of the judges makes the usual effusive comments of praise. The participant is assured of greater success ahead. And then comes the bolt from the blue .
" What does your family do? "
The participant's expression suddenly alters. The music orchestra which has been recently chided for not giving their money's worth picks the cue and goes into a horrifying version of Tchaikovsky sad symphony and the participant wrinkles up his face to emote.
" We are from a very poor family, Sir"
The judge is intrigued and is baying for the kill
Judge : " Really how poor? "
" Very poor sir / madam . I am their only hope"
Judge : " Oh do you get food to eat, do you walk like 20 kms to draw water from the well ? do you ..blah blah ...( thinking up of all the drudgery that he thinks makes up for a poor mans life)
In the background the director of the show is chewing up his nails. He wants those tears . Come on you punks ..Cry. The participant accedes and bawls
'Pan pan' ...the director screams at the editor and the cameramen. 'Take tight very very tight closeups. I want a bloody high resolution pics of those tear drops. The TRP has to go through the roof'
An Assistant director creeps upto the director " Sir the judge is sobbing too"
" What ? " the director gasps " You paid her extra too . we don't have those budgets ! "
Asst Director " No sir they seem to be genuine...but he may ask for the dough later "
Back on the stage the participant is describing his degrees of gareebi / poverty picking up as much footage the director thinks is required for the Sobs to up the TRP.
The judge is sobbing " Gosh...You are really damn poor. Go on young man . I am sure you will rise in this competition and make us all cry sorry ....happy even more. I can see you in the finals already "
The TV viewers too are all watching eyes misty.
Show over ! everyone dabs their eyes and go back to their Ipads.
Seriously how much poverty is there in the world. Had it not been for these reality shows. Never would have known.

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