Sunday, November 20, 2016

Fighting the Rip Van Winkle critics

It has been a tumultuous historic period in the history of the country. Called a savage move by those probably bruised financially and an astute game changer by the majority which ironically is stoically bearing the brunt of the impact of having to expend quality time getting hold of small currency to keep the daily life smooth.

There are voluntary natural born naysayers and and then are some treading that path on a rebound from some unconnected bad experience. People’s nodding logical support is generally construed to be some sort of devotion to the current rock star of a PM and his increasing brood of unarguably talented ministers. Surprisingly the war of disagreements has now moved from the streets to the cyber highways as packets of opinion clash with each other.

So much has been said and written about the derailment of the currency with removal of two key high value notes that the clear partition of the population seems almost as stark as the one decades before except that this time happily it is revolving around those impacted and pretending to rally for imaginary poor people and the majority which senses while suffering the impact that this is the labour pain that may deliver them from the stigma of corruption.

You watch biased TV anchors struggling to get some negative abusive remarks out of the hordes struggling for hours to get hold of change. They force feed adjectives only to be rejected .

“ Are you sure you are not inconvenienced? “ “ Do you think this could have been done better by preparing the ATM s well in advance “ “ Perhaps the PM could have arranged for the marriage season to get over “

But the anchors and the premier English TV channels are stumped with the population refusing to give into their clamour for decrying the establishment.

Why on earth would the PM call up fathers of to be brides and warn them of an impending action to vanquish Black money. One is assured that this is the right step when you see the major nasty opposition leaders getting into rough panic and thrashing around while drowning in a water less hole.

The Finance minister has one simple remedy to all the emotional blackmail. Please use digital and non cash forms of payment. And as for the rural population which is being bandied about as the worst hit by the opposition surely they are the least affected as far as bigger notes are concerned.

The political parties sense that this outcry will attract some attention only in the first few days as the the ATMs race to align with new dimensions and dispensations of notes. Once the masses return to their daily routine with sufficient avenues of currency the first round will have been convincingly won and a huge nail driven into the coffin of Black unaccounted money.

The naysayers jump up and decry the efficiency of the move by announcing that the bigger new currency will make up for the renewed collection of unaccounted money. IT will but people are going to be very cautious having burnt their fingers. Besides new schemes of digitizing every transaction will only make that even more difficult.

The most worrying part for the political parties that sought to stump the general rural population into passive submission is that this population will be wary and make a beeline for the banks to ensure that they never run into a similar situation again. The digitized banking can be addictive with its resounding convenience which the masses are yet to experience. With the language of currency reducing and cyber paths trickling with electronic cash, unethical practices are going to be all the more challenging. The naysayers who did their Rip Van Vinkle act for the last few decades, urgently have become conscientious keepers of the country making one worry what exactly they have got to lose or the type of people they are in bed with.

By taking a difficult and risky stance the PM and his ministers have done well to weather all the criticism and also the risk of a sabotage of the national peace by its own naysayers. The bankers rose to the occasion and like soldiers on the frontline they have become a symbol of an emerging new country where participation in national activities is not restricted to watching the national day parades on Independence and Republic day but also actually feel party to a new vibrant emerging economy and cultural identity.

And yes never have the small change of 50 and 100 looked so beautiful to behold and hold ever before. So what if the wallet bulges.

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