Friday, November 10, 2017

Qarib Qarib Good

Movies these days have started featuring 'real women'

When you watch 'Qarib Qarib..' you sense a quantum relief to not to have watch boring heavily decked pancaked anorexic women pretending to be someone they are far removed from .

Parvathy in the company of Irfan is least worried about having to worry about her makeup or watch her weight:-) . Slow paced yet the two stars carry the movie forward with common intelligent banter. It is not impossible but difficult to believe that a simple dating site in india actually gets two people to set off on a journey while distrusting each other and being so unalike.

It was pleasant to watch a unkempt Irfan slipping those wry one liners while a perfectly unsure Parvathy tries to redeem her widowed lonely life while trying her best to remain occupied and shackled with boring errands.

]The pace is slow enough for you to want to peek into the neighbour's open mobile phone as he finishes urgent what's apps ( dude why do you come to the movies and why do I land up next to people who always want to read their mobile texts in the dark auditoriums )

Yet they are so real that you want to know what they do next

There are no surprises but am just loving some of these movies that refreshingly break Norm and tell simple stories and take you to Shillong in the north east instead of the beaten to death tourist places like Kashmir


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