Friday, October 21, 2016

Pan Bonds Spring

A little touristic Knick knack resembling the Golden eye duck stared with inanimate intensity from the dark furnished teak table top it rested on. The pages of The world is not Enough by Raymond Benson flapped happily whenever the rotating table fan swished air in its direction. A rotund metal container in not so classy blue printing stood proudly as three pairs of eyes peered at it.

PB looked up at his manager and the visitor who stood reverently with folded hands, his thick lips pursed in a semi maniacal smile.

“Mamma Mia’, he said.’ You really mean it. This is a killer product “

Tim blinked hard stuttering  

“ That appears to be true sir, he believes very strongly in it” Pointing to the still permanently smiling gentleman thick fingered hand still folded.

“Apparently the product is appreciated Pan country across all segments. Apparently very sustainable” Tim continued.

PB looked up. An assignment had come his way after a long time and he was itching to hold a gun again.

 “Tell me more”

Tim looked back at the visitor seeking support.

The visitor gave a Dracula grin and said “Sir you can paint the town red sir". Very divine smelling product sir. Lots of flavor sir. Changes the color of the teeth”

PB smiled “I get it. You guys from that part of the world are extremely smart in natural products. So it should be a breath freshener - teeth whitener you are talking about right? “

“Sir very colorful product sir. We have been painting the country for a long, long time now. Our presence is felt and is visible in every corner of the land, building, road, alleys, theatres you name it”

“Haah Yes you folks are really colorful I know I know” PB smiles knowledgeably

“So sir Pukka samjhu “

PB blinks at Tim with eyebrows raised “What does that mean?”

Tim thinks, looks back at the expectant face of the visitor who indeed looks very different from the more industrialist types he had met before. But the promise of millions was hard to ignore. Easy money to hold a can the way a gun was held was enough to hijack his curiosity.

“Sir I think he wants confirmation”

PB pauses “But why me?”  He asks stroking his beard

The visitor perks up

“Sir who better than you to tell people to die another day”

“Sorry??” PB is startled

“Sir I meant that the world has not had enough of our product. Tomorrow never dies. Have more today. And sir if you can say that holding it close to your chest the way you do with your gun and smile through your impressive closed lips”

“Uh Ok But it is a teeth whitener right, so how can one do it through closed lips?”

“Sir don’t you worry about that. It will look like you have just had some to chew, you are impressed with the fresh breath, the divine smell spreads around and you kill every one with the tin… err I mean you kill with your looks…er I mean you kill the competition with your looks “

“Hmmm You know I am an ardent supporter of health campaigns especially cancer. Hope all that is taken care of?”

“Yes sir, absolutely yes sir, We have been contributing to increase the masses in that cause for decades now. Even the ruling class with their whites are big buyers of our products. You will be happy sir. Your fan following will amplify like Nobody’s business “

PB looks at Tim. Tim Nods. The deal is struck

The visitor leaves.

PB looks up at Tim.

“I think we struck Gold here. That is one NiceTin. I look forward to holding it to my heart. Been ages since I did that. I hope that country chews on that a lot and welcomes my contribution to their whitening and freshening era”

Tim nods “Time will tell sir “

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